
Monday Thoughts~

It is very dreary out today. Supposed to rain a majority of the day. I secretly wish they would send Matt home because of the rain, because then he could be home with us, and I might get a nap that way.

Ryker is sleeping better then he did Friday night. He was up a majority of the time from midnight to six in the morning. I took the 12-3 shift and Matt took the 3-6 shift, even though he had to work Saturday. I was grateful. He is now sleeping for about an hour and a half at a time, which is fine.

Ryker now has a real belly button, I will have to take pic's and post them soon. Because of this, he took his first bath on Saturday. He hated it with a passion, we know he is unlike his sister in this way, she loved water from the very start.

Matt's grand parents were in town this weekend. We joined his entire family for dinner on Saturday night. It was good, but interesting. I didn't eat the delicious Mexican food because I didn't want to upset Ryker's belly later on from it. I ate a grilled chicken sandwich and had a few sips of a Mojito. Those are good. Breastfeeding in public for the first time, interesting. Matt held up the blanket for me while Ryker took forever to even latch on. I don't think he liked being on display :) Really though, he has been latching funny lately. Taking quite a while to just take it in. He will sit there and root forever and then finally latch, once he already has milk dripping all over his face and neck. Oops.

Hannah seems so much older and more mature to me lately. I am sure it is from her being bumped from youngest child, to middle child. But, it is taking me by surprise. To listen to her talk, to watch her play, and to watch her interact with the family, has taken on a whole new meaning. Maybe she is trying to act older now, knowing she is no longer a baby, or even a toddler. She is in pre-school now at the church daycare. I think she enjoys it, but she is one shy little girl and tells me that she doesn't want to make friends, she just wants to play. Her potty training has picked back up again and she has rediscovered the potty. Thank God!

Jacob is doing wonderful in school. He tells me every day that he is still a straight A student. He is getting 100% on each spelling test and doing great in Math as well. He is also reading an average of 30 minutes a day, which is great! He really enjoys sitting down with a good book and diving in. Jacob will start school sponsored swimming lessons at the end of the month. I think this will be good for him. His father even paid me for the registration, what a surprise.

Now for some random thoughts~

Matt's dad loves holding Ryker, which I think is wonderful, but freaks me out at the same time. Last night I told him that Ryker already likes to throw his head back and he snapped back at me, "I have done this many times before, I know what I am doing." That is fine dude, but you haven't done it with my son and I have full right to be worried or whatever, thanks. God, why do people have to be like that? He is my son, I am LETTING you hold him, don't be a jerk about it!

My milk seems to come in every time I am at the checkout in a store. What the heck? Target, Grocery Store, you name it. My milk likes that time to come in and make me want to feed Ryker and unload those puppies. I think it is funny, how it does that.

I am getting used to a daily routine with Ryker. I am not so uncomfortable being home alone all day with him. Why on my third child this would happen, is beyond me, but it did. We are getting over that.

I might take him in for a weight check this week, just to see what it is. I know he is getting bigger. I measured him last night and he is now 20 inches long, up from the 19 at birth. His head is also bigger, I don't remember the exacts though.

~Well he just blew his pants out again, so gotta jet!


Jaime said...

{{{hugs}}} I know the not-sleeping-baby-syndrome gets old. Hopefully before too long he'll be snoozing like a champ :)

Tiffany said...

The food we give up... although the alternative screaming baby at 3 am alternative is not a great second option! Hang in there hun, it has to get easier at some point!