
Life and such~

My doctor assures me I will be pregnant forever. Ok, maybe not really forever, but he laughs and tells me I will go to 39 weeks now, not 37 as it was last time, but 39. This is fine, whatever is better for Ryker and his health. But, as stupid as this sounds, I don't know how to be pregnant after 36 weeks. I know it is just another day, one day at a time. But, it is just going to be weird if that happens.
Ryker now head butts my cervix, pushes on my hip bones and lunges off my rib cage. Can't wait to see how he is when he is on the outside! I can tell he is getting bigger and I can normally feel where his butt, arms and legs are as well. He has been head down, nice and deep, for a while. He switches his position side to side all the time. I think he is face down, but of course I don't know for sure, I can't see inside.
The doc checked me again yesterday and I am still sitting at 2 centimeters. He did the lovely butt swab, aka Strep Test. So I go back next week and the next week and the rest of my life :)

She is driving me nuts with her Drama Queen status. I am sure Jacob is tired of it as well, since he gets the brunt of it. The yelling, hitting, stealing, etc. She can't even be nice to him for five minutes. Yet, she wants him to sleep with her so that she doesn't have to by herself. He is so giving that he puts up with all the meanness throughout the day and crawls into bed with her at night. But, he is a Prince, really he is.

School starts in less then a week now and he is stoked. We have changed his bedtime back to 8:30 and that is at his suggestion :) We were going to take it back to nine and then to 8:30 by the time school starts, but he suggested to just go to 8:30 now, so he can rest more. He has his backpack all packed and ready to go. He knows what he will wear the first day. And he really hopes that I can take him to and from, on the first day. Which I hope so too, he is my baby, and I want to be there every step of the way. So hopefully I am not in the hospital on that first day.

He is the light of my life. After my break down the other night and me asking for a little help with the kiddos, he has been a life saver! I know he is tired when he gets home from work, but I have had the kids all day with no let down and I just need a little me break when he arrives home. But, all is well again on this front and I am feeling mighty relieved.

Not much else going on, so I will leave it at that. Once again thinking I had nothing to write about :)


MBS said...

Sorry the kidlets are driving you nuts, I have days too where patience runs thin. ((HUGS))

I'm so happy you are going to make it to term! WOOOO HOOOOO!!! I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable, I hope the next few weeks pass by quickly!

Jaime said...

I hope our Hannah is as excited about school as Jacob is!! I get worn out w/ one kiddo at home, I can't imagine two--kudos to Matt for helping out more :)

Jaime said...

I might have accidentally left 2 comments, I don't know. I'm brain dead right now.

Tiffany said...

You are going to be an awesome FULL TERM pregnant Mama!! Woo Hoo!! I literally freak out if I leave the house and forget my phone, I'm always so sure that I'd have missed your text message :)

Hannah- She may be drama queen but she's the cutest drama queen I've ever seen!

Matt- Keep it up!! Pregnant ladies shouldn't be having meltdowns!

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

WOOT! 39 weeks would put you into September, would it not? And then, I have a shot at the baby pool. Which, of course isn't really important at all and I should be deleting instead of still typing, but here I go and will hit "enter" oh no . . . .