
New Kid on the Block~

I really have no clue as to what I am doing. I look at blogs everyday, and I can only hope mine looks that great after awhile. I know nothing about html or computer coolness. Hence the boring background and very boring page look. Hopefully that will get better.
Anyway, part of the reason why I am doing this is to become part of the blog community. I will no longer be a lurker, I can actually leave comments and say "Hey, come on over to my corner and take a look!"
The second part is to be able to outsource my thoughts into cyberspace. I have never been good at keeping a journal or diary, so I figured this is the next best thing. I am on the computer everyday, so why not pour a little bit about me into cyberspace?

So, here is some info about me:
I am 26 years old and live in Nebraska. My husband Matt and I have Jacob who is 7 years old and Hannah who is 3. We are also prego with Ryker, whom will grace us with his presence sometime between August and September. We have no pets, because I don't know what to do with them. We talk about having a dog a lot, but we never actually get one, which is fine with me :)
I only work part time, due to pre-term labor history and the fact that I hate my job. I have realized that I love being home with my kid's and don't know if I will go back to work full time. I never realized how much you miss out on when you work everyday, all day.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Blogsphere proper, Luanne! Your kids are gorgeous, and I can't wait to hear what all you have to say!

Mom101 said...

Welcome Luanne, and I'm honored to be on the brand new blogroll. I'd say you're doing just great so far. I didn't know how to add blogroll links for weeks. Sometimes I still get confused. html? Pfffffft.